Jun 15, 2019
Dr. Agboola talks with Dr. Tomas
Diaz about the complex topic that is diversity and the role it
plays in medicine and specifically EM.
Host: Dr. Isaac Agboola MD, MS PGY-1 YALE
Guest: Dr. Tomas Diaz MD PGY-4 UCSF @tomasrdiaz
Overview: On this episode, Dr. Agboola and Dr. Diaz discuss the complex topic of diversity and the role that it plays in medicine, highlighting its role in EM. They discuss what programs can do to foster diversity and recruit diverse individuals in the future. They delve into a discussion of how imagery can become expectations and define terms such as minority tax, microaggression, and stereotype threat. Interspersed throughout this discussion, they open up about their personal experiences as providers of color at their respective training sites.
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