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Jul 24, 2020

Dr. Isaac Agboola along with a group interns from across the country approach how to navigate the challenging parts of residency outside of just the basic science.


On this episode, Isaac is joined by an illustrious cast of interns from all across the country to discuss the other side of residency outside of the science. This is the Resident Survival Guide, addressing the new and challenging aspects of transitioning from being a medical student to now being someone’s physician. “How to deal with uncertainty?”,“Resident wellness”, “Disposition indecision”, “How to deal with a difficulty attending”, “End of life discussions” etc.

Key Points

  • Residency is hard…. for everyone.
  • Sometimes the best lessons come from people who aren’t your attendings.
  • Every shift make a goal of something to improve on.
  • Wellness is as wellness does. Do what makes you happy and keeps you balanced.
  • Lean on your co-residents they can be your greatest support system.

References / Resources



Isaac Agboola, MD

Yale New Haven Medical Center
EMRA Cast Episodes


Adrian Haimovich, MD, PhD

Yale, PGY-1

Erin Karl, MD

Nebraska, PGY-1
EMResident Articles

Aadil Vora, DO

Emory, PGY-1
EMResident Articles